Confidential Tobacco Client 澳门足彩app Facility


哈斯克尔交付了在美国建造的第一个绿地烟草加工设施.S. 二十多年来.


In order to make the supply chain efficient, 该公司在肯塔基州和田纳西州的烟草田附近建立了生产设施. 不幸的是, 该国的这一地区容易发生毁灭性的龙卷风,甚至可能发生地震活动. 结果是, the company worried that any damage to their primary manufacturing facility, responsible for producing their two most popular brands, would result in lost market share and subsequent revenue. 减轻他们的风险, the client asked 澳门足彩app to help them build a second, 260,000-square-foot greenfield tobacco processing facility.

我们在每一步都协助客户, 从选址到设计, 建设, 采购及安装.

利用区域断层线和历史龙卷风路径的统计数据, we helped our client select a new site in Kentucky. Working under a design-build delivery method with an EPC contract, 澳门足彩app began 建设 on the concrete slab and insulated, tilt-up wall panels for the new facility while design was still underway. Our design team focused on creating an efficient factory footprint that would bring in the cylindrical-shaped bales of tobacco leaves from the fields and guide them through receiving and 混合; conditioning and 套管; bulking and 切割; drying, mixing and 筛选; cure and 旋转; and finally, 散装产品将被单独包装的运输.

Once the design was nearing completion, 我们组建了一个内部专家小组,专门负责为新工厂采购设备. 自从最后一个绿地烟草项目在美国实施以来的20多年里, 技术的新进步使我们的客户有机会树立新的行业标准. 从套管和卤水厨房到筛分和气动加载系统, our team 采购d over $50 million in state-of-the-art process equipment.


This project was not without its share of hurdles to overcome. 我们的团队和客户代表之间的沟通对于确保按时完成任务和快速解决障碍至关重要, without negatively affecting the bottom line. 记住这一点, 我们创新地创建了一个现场办公室,让两个团队并肩工作, staying in constant touch with the project and with each other. We also created a detailed organizational chart for the project, 对所有分包商和顾问以及项目可能偏离轨道的关键领域进行监督.


当我们的项目刚开始的时候,客户预计需要四年的时间才能完成. 但是,通过利用设计-构建提供的时间节省和通过优秀的团队沟通缓解调度延迟, we were able to deliver this turnkey facility in two years. 项目的快节奏进度是在不牺牲质量的情况下实现的, 最重要的是, 我们外勤小队的安全. 在这项工作中执行的所有75万工时都没有得到OSHA或MSHA的认可.

  • 设计、 delivery of a 260,000 SF greenfield tobacco processing facility
  • 分析数据,帮助客户在谨慎的选址中将风险降到最低
  • 为套管和卤水厨房以及筛分和气动加载系统采购新技术
  • 包括以下过程系统:
    • 接收 & 混合
    • 调节 & 套管
    • 膨胀 & 切割
    • 干燥、混合 & 筛选
    • 治愈 & 旋转


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